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About me

About me

Hi, I’m Tai Le, a software engineer who loves learning new things. In 2017, I quit my university and started the software development journey at Softech Aptech. Fortunately, I got my first job at NeoLab as a back-end engineer in 2018, one year after I quit.

Neolab Golf times with my colleagues (2018)

I also participated in a Hackathon competition with my friends in late 2019. We didn’t achieve any great results but we had a very great time working together.

Neolab Genesis team (2019)

At the end of 2020, I graduated from Aptech with a distinction certificate. On top of that, I got a high position in an Aptech’s competition and my face was in one of the famous electronic newspapers in Vietnam (you can read the article here).

Techtron Techtron competition (2020)

After working for 2 years, I challenged myself with AI, specifically in Computer Vision, and became an AI engineer (but still stick with software though). Because of that, I began learning at the University of People in 2021 to have a college degree. I expect to graduate at the beginning of 2023 thanks to the support of my friends, who I got to know during my studying time.

GreenLabs My AI teammates (2021)

Currently, I am working at ParadoxAI, a US-based software company to develop a virtual assistant to speed up the hiring process of large corporations around the world.

In my free time, I often read random things about back-end to increase my understanding in the field, I also spend time finding a girlfriend too >.<. Besides, I am interested in developing my personal projects to help me automate boring tasks, you can check my GitHub account out to see them.